Modern Glass Skyscraper

In order to maintain its status as one of the world’s leading cities, the city of Melbourne is constantly seeking to update its skyline. Its current tallest building is only 108 storeys high. My current project, the building I’ve designed and recently put forward for construction? 120 storeys high. Planning was a bit of a strain, but we’re finally onto the next stage. The building is going to be a mix of residential and commercial levels, with a large shopping complex at the bottom for everybody to use. But that’s not all: the star of the building is a large glass dome at the top of the tower, and a series of balconies stretching out like stairs from various levels, each with its own private glass balustrade. Melbourne, like most cities in Australia, has very stringent safety requirements in regards to installing glass in skyscrapers. For the balconies especially, the glass has to be sturdy enough to handle the weight of dozens of people and appliances. Glass on windows has to be tinted and treated so interior rooms stay cool, and so that residents are able to see outside but strangers on the street can’t see in.

The company I’ve been working with on construction doesn’t want to take any shortcuts. They just employed the best glazier Melbourne has to offer in the hopes that he’ll be able to advise us further. I don’t imagine it would be a very easy job. I’m already quite stressed about the build, and all I had to do was design the tower! I imagine actually implementing it would be another task entirely. I spoke to the glazier this morning, and he seemed very excited about the project, especially the feature piece that is the dome. He recommended a special type of glass that will reflect light so it doesn’t become too hot for those at the top of the tower. I can’t wait to see the finished product!