Solutions for Elderly People

So talking about getting older with my friends and family didn’t go down too well. Apparently, the majority of them are in the same position I was in a couple of years ago. They are struggling to come to terms with getting older and are really holding onto the fact that they aren’t old yet. But the thing is, they are old. All of my friends and family (other than their adult children) are well in their mid-sixties. By definition that is old. But apparently, people don’t like to be reminded of their aging or inevitable death. That’s why I’ll be the only person researching any sort of bathroom solutions for elderly people in the next couple of months.

I guess not everyone is as attuned to themselves in the way that I am. I truly do understand how they’re feeling though. I’ve been in that position too many times before. The passing of time is seriously scary, especially when you feel like you have so much life left to live. And you know what, I’m sure we’re all going to have many more years together. We’ll enjoy our retirement and live our lives to the fullest, in a way that is safe and helps to keep us around for as long as possible. I’ll be able to do this a lot easier than my friends and family who want to keep acting like their bodies are forty years younger than they actually are.

I often wonder what people think about me and my approach to life. Would they think I was just giving up and giving in to being old? Or would some of them respect my decision to get professional bath modifications? Sydney residents and Australians in general often struggle with the tall-poppy syndrome and don’t often support those around them, but I’d like to hope that my friends and family would be different. I guess it doesn’t matter – I’m going to alter my bathtub anyway.