Hit the Curb

I get stressed out when things go wrong. I’m the type of person to dwell on things and make them really big issues in my head. If someone says something that seems somewhat off, I think about it all day, every day. If my car makes a noise that it’s never made before, I automatically think that it’s dying and if I don’t get it fixed straight away, something terrible will happen. 

I just hold onto things and catastrophize situations so much. It makes me feel sad almost every day and never makes me feel at peace. I just wish I could have any sort of relief from my mind. I wish that I didn’t jump to conclusions and that things could be better than they actually are in my mind. 

One example of me jumping to conclusions happened just last week when my car hit a curb. By hit, I mean lightly grazed, but I couldn’t see that clearly before. Obviously, I panicked and after stewing over what had happened for a couple of hours, I decided that I was in desperate need of a car repair. Within driving distance of Adelaide, there was only one mechanic that I could go to. I’m usually quite particular about these things and tend to stick with what I know because I get stressed easily, so for me to go to another mechanic was a big deal. 

I spoke to the mechanic on the phone before I arrived and I was telling him about how I’d been in a crash and although I couldn’t see much damage, I was sure that my car wasn’t running right. He assured me that everything was going to be okay and that he was the best mechanic for car maintenance in Adelaide. That meant he’d be able to make any necessary repairs or replacements quickly and easily, and I could be certain that the quality of it would be top-notch.

I’ll fill you in on the rest in my next blog.